P. 9
GCL, takes security and discretion very seriously especially when sensitive material are
acquired for recycling. Protection of our customers private information is of utmost concern.
We take proper precautionary steps to prevent any security breaches and offer cost effective
solutions for guaranteed hard drive data destruction services.
According to one of the precautionary steps to for data destruction. At GCL,
latest research, identity prevent any security we drill or shred every hard
theft is the fastest growing breaches and offer cost drive from computers we
financial crime in the world effective solutions for receive, with our powerful
among financial institutions, guaranteed hard drive data shredder into small 5 cm
banks and credit card destruction services. A sized pieces. This leaves no
companies. Businesses are non-physical destruction opportunity for reuse or
now responsible for more such as low-level data recovery. We provide a
than just their own data and formatting, deleting, “Certificate of Destruction”
are held to the highest reformatting or overwriting to assure the release of all
standards when it comes to does not provide sufficient liabilities related to or
privacy. GCL, takes security security. This type of arising from safe collection
and discretion very seriously destruction allows IT and recycling of all
especially when sensitive criminals to retrieve electronic devices. Our
material are acquired for discarded data. Unlike some customers are welcome to
recycling. Protection of our recyclers in the business, attend the shredding
customers private GCL does not “wipe out” old process. Notary services are
information is of utmost data but instead uses a also available upon request.
concern. We take proper permanent and effective way