P. 7
E-WASTE COLLECTION & vendours who will further washers, dryers, owens etc.
RECYCLING process them. We recycle all You can fill out a e-waste
GCL collects e-waste all kinds of monitors, LCDs, collection form from our
across Turkey with its Pcs, laptops, keyboards, website or give us a call on
certified personel and mouse, hard drives, 0 212 723 45 45 to schedule
trucks. Once the e-waste is personal electronic devices, a pick up.
brought to our facility, they cell phones, phones,
are weighed and sorted into printers, copiers, fax
CRT, PC, cables, circuit machines, projectors,
boards and miscellaneous CD/DVD players, floppy
items. Once sorted, we disks and light bulbs. We
dismantle by hand to lessen also recycle household
the damage to any reusable appliances like microwaves,
materials. Through our
seperation technology, the
waste is seperated into
different components such
as glass, wood, metals,
circuit board, battery,
plastic, etc. These are
seperated, organized and
packed ready to be recycled
further in our facility or
send to our downstream