P. 8

CRT Recycling

           A Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) is   removal of plastic or        CRT.  Lead poses a great
           a glass video display         wooden cases, metal chasis,   threat to our health and we
           component of an electronic    PC boards, wires and metal   see recyling of CRTs as a
           device usually a computer or   strap from the CRTs. Second   part of our responsibility to
           a television monitor. With    stage of the CRT recycling   our community and
           the introduction of plasma    involves the seperation of   environment.
           screen televisions 15 years   lead bearing glass (funnel)
           ago, manufacture of CRTs      from the clean glass (panel)
           which dominated the tv        with the use of a fully
           market has all but ended.     automated CRT recycling
           Since then, huge numbers      machine. The panel glass
           of CRT TV and computer        can be refined and reused in
           monitors are entering the     number of applications.
           waste stream.  CRTs include   Funnel glass can only be
           hazardous materials like      treated at a lead smelter to
           lead and phosphor dust. At    recover the lead content.
           GCL, recycling of CRT         Between 1-4 kgs of lead can
           monitors start with manual    be recovered from a typical

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