P. 4

What is E-Waste?

           In the last two decades, advances in consumer electronics and personal computers have
           contributed to economic growth, changed information technology and improved people’s lives
           in many ways. However, our dependence on these electronic products in our daily lives has
           given rise to a new environmental hazard, which is electronic waste. Electronic waste or
           E-waste in short, is a general term used for electrical and electronic products that have met
           end of their “useful life”. This includes computers, televisions, monitors, laptops, cell phones,
           vcrs, stereos, copiers, fax machines and almost any household item with electrical
           components, batteries or power supplies. Today, e-waste is the fastest growing segment of
           trash  in  any  society.  Research  completed  in  Europe  shows  that  e-waste  is  an  epidemic
           growing at three times the rate of municipal waste. Unfortunately this growth rate does not
           include the 75% of the e-waste which is still stuck in the storages of common people.

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