P. 5

cause death. LCDs are
                                      It is now the time to           illuminated by mercury filled
                                      act and be                      panels. Other poisonous
                                      responsible for our             materials used in
                                                                      electronics include
                                      future generations.             chromium, lithium and

                                                                      hydrocarbons. The presence
                                                                      of hydrocarbons, flame
                                                                      retardants, and pvc coated
                                                                      cables makes the e-waste
                                                                      too dangerous to be burned.
                                                                      Incineration of e-waste
                                                                      would result in dioxins that
                                                                      would result in various
       Let us recycle                                                 kinds of cancer.  Due to all

       your E-waste!                                                  these environmental risks,
                                                                      e-waste should be recycled
                                                                      in a recycling facility by
                                                                      professional recyclers.

                                                                      EWASTE FIGURES
                                                                      The amount of e-waste
                                                                      generated globally is
                                                                      estimated to be in the range
           HAZARD OF EWASTE             current and future           of 50 milllion tons per year.
           E-waste contains various      generations. Consumer        The US Government alone is
           hazardous materials. While    electronics already          currently disposing 10,000
           e-waste only constitutes      constitute 40% of lead found   monitors per week. E-waste
           2-3% of the total waste, it is   in land fills. Although    is expected to increase by
           responsible for 50-70% of     e-waste only makes 2-3% of   30% within the next 5 years.
           the all hazardous materials   the total waste, about 70%   1.6 billion cell phones are
           in it. Unlike any other       of heavy metals including    sold evey year around the
           devices in our lives, up to 60   mercury and cadmium       world and cell phones only
           elements from the periodic    found in landfills comes      constitute 10% of the total
           table can be found in         from it. These heavy metals   e-waste.
           complex electronics.          can contaminate the          Around 700,000 tons of
           Computer monitors and TV      groundwater and pose         e-waste is generated in
           screens contain an average    public health risks. Lead    Turkey each year. Only
           of 1-4 kg of lead each.       can cause damage to the      around 3.5% (25,000 tons) of
           Monitor glass contains        nervous system, blood        this e-waste is properly
           about 20% lead by weight.     system and kidneys. Large    recycled at recycling
           When these components are     consumption of lead          facilities and the rest goes
           illegally disposed and        develops blood anemia and    to dumps and land fills
           crushed in landfills, the lead   brain damage that is severe   which end up polluting our
           is released into the          enough to kill a child.      country’s waters and soil.
           environment, posing a         Breathing cadmium can
           hazardous legacy for          severely damage lungs and

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