P. 14

Waste Battery and

           Batteries and accumulators    (Association of Accumulator
           are reserve sources of        and Recycling
           power that play an            Industrialists), GCL collects
           important part in our daily   and provides safe storage
           lives. Storage of electrical   for waste batteries.  At GCL,
           energy is and will be more    collected batteries and
           and more important in the     accumulators are grouped
           near future as the use of     and stored seperately and
           portable electronics are      sent to facilities that would
           growing exponentially. Most   carry out the final recycling
           of the batteries include      or disposal.
           heavy metals like mercury,
           lead, nickel, cadmium and
           lithium. Car batteries
           contain lead, various acids
           and chemicals. Unproper
           disposal of these power
           sources can contaminate
           soil and water. Batteries
           need to be recycled or
           disposed in a proper way to
           avoid this. Authorized by the
           Ministry of Environment and
           Urban Planning and also as
           a member of both TAP
           (Turkish Battery Importers
           and Manufacturers
           Association) and AKUDER

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