P. 17


           Vehicle exhaust contains      the essential constituents of   account that one catalytic
           many harmful compounds        these automotive catalysts.     converter contains
           like carbon monoxide,         Nowadays no cheaper          approximately from 1 g up to
           hydrocarbons, and nitrogen    materials are available that   15 g of PGMs, it could be
           oxides. Their amounts in      offer similar properties for   easily supposed that this
           automotive exhaust gas,       these kinds of catalytic     field represents the main
           which are legislated by law,   reactions. Based on the     application for palladium,
           can be decreased by fitting    facts that every new car has   platinum and rhodium. This
           catalytic converters to the   to be equipped with a        is why we need to collect
           exhaust gas system.           catalytic converter and the   and re use the precious
           Autocatalysts convert over    number of car registrations   metals inside auto catalysts.
           90% of these harmful          is steadily increasing, the   GCL collects and recycles
           compounds into less           demand for platinum group    auto catalysts for these
           harmful carbon dioxide and    metals (PGMs), particularly   precious metals through its
           water vapor. Platinum,        platinum, will grow          solution partners in Europe
           palladium, and rhodium are    continuously. Taking into    and Japan.

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